10 . 18 . 01

Tomorrow is yet another Brotherhood spirit day. It is Brotherhood color day, but I don't think we have come to a conclusion on what color it shall be yet.

[Dhanizel] [E-mail] [Instant Message] [Site]

10 . 16 . 01

And yet changed the layout again, I think this one is better, and more original. Whattaya think? Yay or nay?

[Dhanizel] [E-mail] [Instant Message] [Site]

10 . 09 . 01

No Brotherhood updates at the moment. Stiz and I went to watch the Chaparral girls play a little volleyball today at Rancho HS. It was interesting. If the other brothers would help out with getting this site up and running, I am sure it would get done a lot quicker.

[Dhanizel] [E-mail] [Instant Message] [Site]

10 . 08 . 01

Put up the new layout, there really wasn't much of an old layout, but still. So here it is. At the end of each message the brother that posted the entry will or should leave his info so yall know who left it, ya see?

[Dhanizel] [E-mail] [Instant Message] [Site]

10 . 05 . 01

Today is Brotherhood Hoodie day, make sure to be wearin your sweatshirts.

[Dhanizel] [E-mail] [Instant Message] [Site]






Dhanai! Shane! Eric! Mike! -- Brothers Unite!

"Brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother...Brothers."

Welcome to the Brotherhood site, here will be a small description of the Brotherhood when one of us feels the need to type it.

-Songs of The Moment-

Saves The Day - Shoulder To The Wheel
Get Up Kids - Action & Action